Learn to Embrace Tree Service: A Tree Blog
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Learn to Embrace Tree Service: A Tree Blog

Welcome to my blog. My name is Sarah, and right now, I can see my favourite tree from my window. A few years ago, it was ailing, but I learned everything I could about tree health and nurtured her back to abundance. In this blog, I plan to write all about tree care, from the basics you can do on your own to knowing when to call a professional. My love of trees grew out of my love for gardening and landscaping, and I may write about those topics as well. I hope that you like my blog and that it inspires you. Thanks for reading!

Learn to Embrace Tree Service: A Tree Blog

Two Situations in Which Arborists Sometimes Recommend Transplanting Trees

Diana Jones

Whilst transplanting a tree can be risky (as there no guarantee that its roots will take in the new ground), there are circumstances in which arborists recommend that their clients do this. Here are some situations in which these tree experts might offer this advice.

They suspect the tree roots have Phytophthora root rot

Phytophthora root rot is a disease that many trees develop. This disease attacks a tree's roots and eventually kills it. If an arborist suspects that your tree is in the early stages of a root rot attack (because, for example, some of its leaves are wilting or discoloured), they might suggest removing it from its current spot, cutting off the sections of the root system that have already rotted and then transplanting it to another area.

If they make this recommendation, they may also advise you to take a soil sample from the ground where you intend to place the transplanted tree, to check that it is free from the organism that causes Phytophthora root rot. This will ensure that the tree does not get re-infected with this disease after you have had the arborist trim its roots and transplant it.

Whilst doing all of this will not guarantee that the tree will not die from root rot in the future (as there is a chance that this tiny, disease-causing organism could still be present on the seemingly healthy roots), it may still be the best course of action if you love the tree and want to do everything you can to keep it alive.

The tree is beginning to lean, due to its current location

If you have a tree that has recently begun to lean noticeably and you would prefer not to cut it down, then your arborist's solution to this issue might be to transplant it to a new location. They will only recommend doing a transplant if they're confident that the tree is leaning because of some problem with its current environment. For example, if the tree is in an open area where it is completely unprotected from the wind and this has led to it being repeatedly subjected to strong winds over the years, then transplanting it to a spot where it will be shielded from the wind (such as in between some buildings) could result in it no longer leaning.

If, however, the arborist believes that the tree is leaning due to, for example, its structurally weak root system, then they probably won't transplant it, as the tree would continue to lean as a result of its root issues even when placed somewhere new.
