Learn to Embrace Tree Service: A Tree Blog
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Learn to Embrace Tree Service: A Tree Blog

Welcome to my blog. My name is Sarah, and right now, I can see my favourite tree from my window. A few years ago, it was ailing, but I learned everything I could about tree health and nurtured her back to abundance. In this blog, I plan to write all about tree care, from the basics you can do on your own to knowing when to call a professional. My love of trees grew out of my love for gardening and landscaping, and I may write about those topics as well. I hope that you like my blog and that it inspires you. Thanks for reading!

Learn to Embrace Tree Service: A Tree Blog

  • 4 Options For Dealing With Tree Waste

    27 February 2017

    If you planning to have a tree removed from your property, it is important that you consider what you will do with the tree waste which is left behind. While the tree service which carries out the work will be happy to take the waste with them, this isn't your only option. Below is a guide to 4 other uses for tree waste. Mulching Mulch is a key component of any garden as it helps to create a cover for your planting beds and prevents moisture from escaping via the process of evaporation.

  • Landscape Trees: Understanding the Common Causes of Failure

    23 February 2017

    Proper maintenance of landscape trees is essential for the general aesthetics and safety of your property. One of the crucial practices that you should uphold as part of your tree maintenance schedule is inspection. Regular evaluation of the condition of the trees will help you identify any damage sustained. Moreover, you will be able to predict potential causes of failure and resolve before significant degradation of the tree. Here are the common causes of tree failure that you should understand when inspecting your landscape features.